Reading about that shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was very sad. I don't know much about her but these kinds of incidents are always hard to hear about. Especially the death of a child at the hands of the shooter. At this time no one knows why this man did what he did, but I'm sure it will come out in the days and weeks ahead. Much like the shooting at Fort Hood or the man who flew a plane into the IRS building in Texas. I hate to say it but I don't think this is the last incident of this kind we will see this year. There is so much hatred and animosity right now and the average person does not know on who or how to vent their anger and frustration. They lost their job or their spouse is dying due to lack of medical care or they are working three jobs or their home was foreclosed. It does not seem that the government much cares about those of us who live and work in this country and actually care about it. The right and the left are at each others throats little concerned that we all have the same enemy. But we don't notice the men behind the curtain as we fight amongst ourselves for the few scraps that those at the top deign to throw us.
And then we have birds dropping from the sky, bees dying out in record numbers, floods ripping through Australia& California and it can seem that the signs of the apocalypse are all around us. I know that many times through the centuries things have seemed just as dire and that we will weather this too. As they say, this to shall pass. I hope so. The state of things can seem very dark at times. All I can do is try to watch out for my neighbor and be the best person I can be. We should all try to do that. Be a little nicer to someone you don't know. Smile at a stranger, give a homeless person that dollar crumpled in your wallet or purse or just let that person in a hurry get ahead of you in line. I know it is corny but good does come back to you. And we could all use a little more good in our lives.
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