Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Obamanator **Additions**

He'll he back. He can be reasoned with. He can be bargained with. And he absolutely will not stop until the middle class is dead. It's the Obamanator.

Just like health care, Obama swept in, took all of his cards off the table and gave the whole shebang away while calling it victory.  And it scares me. Not just for myself, although this pretty much guarantees that I'll be working until I die but for my parents. Both are dependent on Medicare and Social Security to survive. My mum barely can make ends meet as it is and the shared sacrifice of her having to pay more for the doctors, which she needs due to her degenerative arthritis or getting less from her social security just might push her over the edge into poverty. While the rich, big corporations and defense industries sacrifice....oh right, nothing.

My mum lives in a beautiful little town called Coupeville. Don't let the name fool you. It's much prettier than it sounds and her needs are few so I would hate to see her pushed from her home because of this. I keep getting more and more disillusioned with Obama and I didn't even think that was possible. I can see me supporting a strong primary challenger. The progressive movement is trying to start a party like the teabaggers did called the coffee party. There is no chapter where I live but I might try to start one. Even though I have no idea how to. But, change starts with me.

Although I may be overreacting to this. Everybody thinks that Obama is playing three dimensional chess and I should just wait to see how this shakes out. I have heard pro and con and these bills can be so convoluted that the average person just cannot understand. And now we have this thing called the Super Congress. What is that and why does it have so much power. It seems to be something that will be useful to subvert the power of the regular congress. But this article lays it out far better than I can.


I wanted to add two more excellent articles about my ambivalence with Obama and why I think that he is taking us in the wrong direction.



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