Saturday, July 9, 2011

Captain Jack makes me Squee!

I watched the first installment of Torchwood brought to American TV tonight. This is a great show, an offshoot of Dr. Who, which is a BBC show that I have loved in it's original incarnation but have never watched in redux. I just love it. It has great characters and imaginative stories that transport. Captain Jack is one of those characters that you think you know but has so much beneath the surface that whole worlds can be built upon not only what is revealed but what is still to come. Is he good? I always thought so, until Children of Earth. Is he evil? No-immoral maybe. But, what would you be if you could never die while feeling the pain of death whenever it happened. Immortality is always sought as the gold standard of life. But life is not breath although I think too much of it is equated as such. To be a vegetable is not life. I won't get into these philosophical discussions tonight. I only want to talk about Miracle Day on Starz.

I didn't know how I would react to this show. I hoped that they would not water down things too much for an American audience. Although, this is the channel that brought us Spartacus so I would expect them to pull no punches. I was not disappointed. When Torchwood came up on screen I got goosebumps and when Captain Jack and his coat of awesome actually showed up I squealed and more than once. I found the translation to be smooth but one thing I noticed right away was the American tendency to glorify violence. From the car accident with poles to releasing a head from its body to a chase on the beach with a jeep and a rocket launcher.  I prefer boobs over bombs but I am happy at this point to ride on the tails of Capt. Jack's coat and see where he takes me. So far, he has never disappointed. This is only the beginning and I can hope that it will get better because I want more. Plus I just adore Gwen. Nothing says modern woman like firing a gun while holding a baby. Because she's a woman, KICK ASS. I am still waiting to see how it plays out but from what I have seen the show is benefiting from the increased production values while retaining what makes it special. I will keep watching.

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