Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Things that give me big tail

When my cat Puzzle gets excited, she will start tearing around the house meowing and her tail will get all puffed up. She has big tail. So when I get excited about something I'll say that I have big tail. I learned three things recently that have given me big tailitis. I feel very out of the loop about certain things. I should know about them but for one reason or another I am late on the knowing train.

1) Beside Resident Evil, Silent Hill is my favorite console game. I just found out that they are making a new one called Silent Hill: Downpour. I saw a trailer for it and it looks bad ass. It is the only game where the best weapon is not a firearm. You want the pick-axe,  this is your friend. I will definitely be picking this up as soon as it is released.
2) One of my all time favorite shows in the 80's was The Equalizer. I haven't seen it in years but I really loved the show and Robert McCall was such an interesting and complex character. It has also always made me want a Jaguar from that period. Well, they are making that into a movie with Russell Crowe. That should be so good. He is a good choice to take on this character. Although, I have to not get my hopes up too high as it could end up being a big pile of poo. But I am excited to see it just the same.
3) My favorite author is Stephen King and apparently he has a very talented son who has written some very well received books of his own under the name Joe Hill. I can't wait to read them after reading the reviews on Amazon. It is always fun to find a new author and if his stories give me half as much pleasure as his dad's I will be happy indeed.

So there are the three things I found that have me excited.  Just thought I would share.

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