Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
This is the night of ghosts and ghouls, when spirits can walk the earth, the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest of any time of the year. I enjoyed it, this is the first in at least 5 years that I bought candy and stayed home to dole it out to the little ones. So many cute costumes and I was surprised how many were so polite with pleases and thank you's. It is nice to see the innocence of this night again. It has basically become whore'o'ween, with every girl dressing up in slutty versions of ---insert storybook character, profession, inanimate object here--. I certainly was rusty though. All my years in customer service have trained me that when people thank me I thank them right back. There is nothing like the confused face of a three year old when they thank me in those cute little voices and I say "no, thank you." I remember how fun Halloween was when I was a kid, dressing up (when the point was to be scary not some perverts fapping material), weighing my bag as the night went on, listening to the other kids about the the houses with the best candy, and going home to watch a movie that was scary to a small child. As I have gotten older, Halloween has lost its luster, it has become one more night to go and drink too much. That's why I have Cinco de Mayo. My favorite holiday is now Thanksgiving, my house becomes a bounty of fall colors, cornucopias, food, friends and family. But, giving candy tonight has reminded me of its magic, the smiles on the little faces were wonderful. So I wish all of you a safe and happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Pricks on Parade
In my last post I commented how much hatefulness seems to have grown in our society. I don't think it is that now that I think about it, it is just that the computer now allows any moron with the ability to string two words together (most likely misspelled) to share it with the world. Any story becomes fodder for their evil thoughts and endemic racism. I'm sure most would say they are good Christians, but their posts say otherwise. These are people with hearts of stone and souls of black. So here I share with you, spelling errors and horrible grammar intact, for all to see, and without comment. Both are from Yahoo! news stories. I don't know what causes it but these mostly innocuous stories seem to bring out the trolls in the worst way. It is bad enough to actually believe the shit that pours forth from their fevered and ignorant brains but to actually type it and want others to read it is stunning. Usually they can turn it into a rant against "Lib'ruls" for stories that have nothing to do with politics, like the story about the cat that was lost at the airport being found. I could post here more examples but this could become the longest post ever if I did that. If you want a real fright this Halloween, just spend the day reading the comments after news stories. Or maybe, as in the immortal words of Steve, I'm just a too sensitive liberal corksoaker and need to get over myself.
Story about a gay 15 year boy being beaten in his High School classroom:
Tom K • Muncie, United States • 29 seconds ago Report Abuse
She should not send IT to school gay. Should have known better.
Steve • Tujunga, United States • 28 seconds ago Report Abuse
I do not condone the beating of anyone, for no reason at all. But you are all liberal corksoakers, with opinions as worthless as obama's word, how the US bred such worthless people is a testament to what freedom really means. I am thankful that your days and freedom are numbered and you can thank obama and his ilk for that. I pitty you in the days to come, you weak pittiful fools. You have about 3-6 months!
O B 17 seconds ago Report Abuse
gays r mistakes of nature---they should be destroyed
Michele Hawker 3 minutes ago Report Abuse
Tell your son to toughen up and stop being such a whiny little girl. If he's gonna be "out" at 15(impossible really since they barely know what true sexuality is) then he should learn to fight back if he doesn't want his butt kicked every other day. But hey, let's just make it worse and have mommy get involved. At this age no one deserves such an a@@ kickin but If he's gonna choose to live an immoral life without values then he gets no rights. Besides that kid got punished so get over it mommy and let your lil girl handle it.
american vet. • Herndon, United States • 3 minutes ago Report Abuse
she raised him so its her problem for not tell him he would grow in to a man one day this is really sad and no one is born that way yell if you wont to but why dont you ask gog what he thinks about this sick life style.
Ben D • Phoenix, United States • 3 minutes ago Report Abuse
Parents should have taught the kid not to be QUEER....
jeremy • San Diego, United States • 3 minutes ago Report Abuse
This is a result of gay propaganda in the media and the misguided reaction against it.It was wrong for the kid to get assaulted.The gay agenda is to destroy the traditional nuclear family, a known enemy of communism and the NWO.To all you homosexual apologists out there, you might as well admit your an enemy of the God of the bible who burnt the city of Sodom to ashes for it's acceptance of the gay lifestyle.The gay agenda also benefits the eugenics movement of the global elite.
Story about a pregnant woman being struck by a hit & run driver dying after giving birth:
was she walking home or working her night job
JS 6 minutes ago Report Abuse
this stupid ape was jaywalking on a f,ing INTERSTATE. AT NIGHT. WEARING DARK CLOTHES. DARWIN wins again.
KaMs • St. Louis, United States • 7 minutes ago Report Abuse
Great another baby taxpayers gotta pay for, you poor people need to stop breeding so much, your wasting us upper class peoples resources.
Pookie Sue • Davenport, United States • 29 minutes ago Report Abuse
Yes, she was excited about being a Mom. Now she can suck the government teat for free housing, free food stamps, free healthcare and free education.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Occupy Wall Street
It has been going on for over three weeks now and I have been watching with much interest. It has grown and spread, not only through the states but now internationally. A real organic movement from the ground up with no leader but a clear objective, to put an end to the social injustice that our country hasn't seen the like of since the gilded age. I support this movement, I long to see the winds of change blow through our country, a country that has stagnated, collapsing into its own greedy corruption. The 1% who feel that too much is never enough. Who will never be satisfied until they have consumed the world and relegate all us regular folks to living like serfs. That goal is so close now as so many are uneducated wage slaves. We need to shake off the parasites who drain us of our riches, watch our suffering, then they sit back and blame us for our failure. Call us weak and lazy, when the 99% are the victims of the laws and policies that are stacked against us. Personally, the failure of our economy has affected my family peripherally. We lost our home and spent a combined 3 years unemployed. We managed to get back on our feet but I don't blame those who didn't for their failure. I am lucky. So many others aren't. Cruelty has become so rampant, we look at our neighbors as they go hungry or live on the streets and spit in their eye. Just go to any news article and read the comments and you'll see what I mean. The hatefulness is breathtaking, it is like taking a walk through the mind of demons. At this point the movement is still fragile. I am waiting for the violence. It could come from provocateurs or the police or eventually like the 60s, we could see our own troops move against our citizens. But I think this movement is stronger than the sum of its parts, the genie is out of the bottle. The disenfranchised us are finally realizing our one strength. The strength that can never be taken away from us, they can only make us forget. Our strength is our numbers, there are more of us then them. The lessons of history are being repeated. Will it be peaceful change like with the election of FDR or will it come with a guillotine? Only time will tell but I am glad to see it. I haven't felt this much hope in a long time.
Some interesting reading from those who write much better than I:
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